It's not you, It's me...maybe
Title: The Fiery Heart
Series: Bloodlines
Author: Richelle Mead
Verdict: Why did I read this?
This is my first book review on this blog YAY! Anyway this is the fourth book in the Bloodlines series chronicling the adventures and romance of Sydney Sage (an Alchemist) and Adrian Ivashkov (a Moroi). More Adrian? Sounds pretty awesome right? Except I was forcing myself to turn the next page (Well not really "turn" it was more like "clicking" since it was an ebook. Have I mentioned how much I prefer actual paper-books, but whatever that rant is for another day.) I don't know why this series has been so hard for me to get interested in because I devoured the Vampire Academy books like there was no tomorrow. I've factored a couple of things into why this just isn't the book series for me.
1. I'm too old. This is a young adult novel so it's pretty much targeting the 14 to 18 year old crowd. Most YA fiction is universal and can be read by all ages, this one just isn't (at least for me). Since I'm no longer in that demographic it makes sense as to why I loved Vampire Academy and not Bloodlines. (Oh My God, I'm old...*shove aside mental breakdown for a later date*) All of the characters just seemed so juvenile and annoying. One especially unnecessary plot point that irked me to no point was when both Jill and Angeline pretended to like the new dhampir guy for some stupid reason that I can't even recall right now. C'mon teenagers do not act like that, do they?
2. Sydney Sage is no Rose Hathaway. While Rose annoyed the heck out of me at times and especially in the end where she cheats on Adrian. I actually hated her character then, but at least she never bored me. I don't know why I find Sydney so boring. Maybe it's because she feels like a one-dimensional studious, brown-nosed character. Even her flaws are boring (a caffeine addiction). *yawn* I'm just saying that you can have a intelligent character that is interesting and quirky. But to be honest, I did start reading this book primarily because of Adrian. You know who I thought was pretty interesting enough to have her own spin-off, Mia, Rose's kick-ass former nemesis.
3. My final point is that... Adrian Ivashkov seems completely watered down. I understand that Sydney is a good influence on him, but I think this is one of those moments where too much of a good thing becomes kinda bad. Adrian was a helluva lot more intriguing to read about when he was all mysterious, dark and destructive.
Well that's about it :) I don't know if I'm going to read the next book at this point, but hey you never know!
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