Friday, May 9, 2014

The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 21: The Promised Land

*Extreme Spoilers Ahead

Oh No They Didn't...

Unfortunately yes, they did. In the penultimate episode of season 5 of The Vampire Diaries, The Promised Land, the unthinkable happened: a Salvatore brother was killed off. Stefan Salvatore met his end in the form of a pissed off hybrid/traveler while trying to save Caroline Forbes' life.

I had to watch that scene about 5 times just to let it sink in. I couldn't believe that some random Traveler got the best of Stefan Salvatore. Seriously? After the shock subsided I frantically raced over to watch the promo for the season finale which was surprisingly cavalier and light. So then I got to thinking. Even though we saw Stefan pass through Bonnie aka The Anchor when he died, I think there is going to be a way for Stefan to return to the land of the living.

My Evidence:

*The promo shows Elena and Damon driving into The Grill with the plan of destroying all of Mystic Falls, including themselves. Now, not everyone can die since the show is coming back for another season. So I think somehow everyone is going to "die", go to the other side and then by some totally wild spell/plan come back. This makes me happy because it means that Enzo will get to come back also!

*Secondly, if you go all the way back to the pilot episode, you can see that it starts out with a voice-over of Stefan that goes something like this:
"For over a century, I have lived in secret, hiding in the shadows, alone in the world, until now. I am a vampire and this is my story."

Now that above statement seems a lot like someone who is reminiscing or telling their "story". A storyteller can't die mid-way their own story. Or can they? I guess the writers could have forgotten or hoped that the viewers would forget that little detail.

Other points worth mentioning:

*Markos is a pretty good villain. The Travelers, who seemed pretty lame in the beginning, became  formidable foes in this episode.
* What is the population of Mystic Falls at this point? -78?
*I like Enzo.
*I really hope Stefan comes back.

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